Coverage of Specific Research Papers
Digital Abundance and Scarce Genius
Robots Are Us and Robots: Curse or Blessing
The Paradox of Openness: Efficiency vs. Exposure of APIs
CIO Magazine (discussed under paper's previous title)
70 Years of US Corporate Profits
Multi-Sided Platform Strategy, Taxation, and Regulation
COVID-19 Research and Related Interviews
Rationing Social Contact: NPR Marketplace Interview; NPR LA Interview; Yahoo News; MIT News; Fast Company; Bloomberg Radio Interview; CNN, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal; Financial Times; The Times of India; Business Insider; Marginal Revolution; Brookings; Business Insider 2
Interdependence and the Cost of Uncoordinated Responses to COVID-19: MSNBC, Washington Post, The Boston Globe, Yahoo Finance, The Hill, TechRepublic, WGBH, MIT Sloan
Radio and Podcast Interviews
With Weekend Edition Sunday at KPCC/NPR
With American Public Media's Marketplace Morning Report
Things Have Changed Podcast
Ipse Dixit Podcast
The Danielle Smith Show of 770 AM
Alex Piersen of Global News Radio 640 Toronto
Philosophy podcast The Partially Examined Life:
Hayek's "The Use of Knowledge in Society" and Sen's "On Ethics and Economics"
Coverage of Policy Research and Public Outreach
Congressional Tax Reform
Impact of tax reform
"Better Way" House tax reform bill
The "United Framework" Plan
Tax policy research discussed by
Coverage of Remarks at the AFI Forum on "Will Robots Pay for our Pensions" and Related Interviews
Coverage of a related lecture in Santiago: El Correo Gellego
Public Diplomacy Mission to Spain
In February 2018, I delivered a series of lectures on the economic consequences of recent and emerging technologies.
The lectures were funded and arranged by the US State Department's Office of Public Diplomacy.
These lecture locations included
E Business School
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Circulo de Economia, an influential civic association
Interview with La Vangaurdia's La Contra
Interview with El Pais: Retina
Coverage from ViaEmpressa
UN STI Fourm 2018
I participated in the the United Nations Multi-stakeholder Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation for the SDGs on 5-6 June 2018.
I presented a statement composed with my input on behalf of the Major Group for Children and Youth.
Political Polling
Coverage of polling (conducted with James Carville and Stan Greenberg) on the rise of the Tea Party